SN |
1. | ALGERIA (ALGIERS) | Embassy of Nigeria No.7 Chemin Doudou Mokhtar Ben Aknoun, Algiers B.P. 227, Algiers 16000, Algiers |
Fax: 213-2-91.63.88 Telex: 61191 Tel 312-2-916387, 916391 |
2. | AUSTRIA (VIENNA) | Embassy of Nigeria Rennweg 25, 1031-Vienna, Austria |
Tel: 43-1-7126685,43-1-712 6686 43-1-7126687 |
3. | ARGENTINA (BUENOS AIRES) | Embassy of Nigeria 2674 Rosales Street, (1636 Olive), Buenos Aires, Argentina P.O. Box 2100, Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Tel: 54-11-4799-7139,54-11-4799-7006, 54-11-4799-8090,54-11-4794-5916, 54-11-4790-2031 Fax: 54-11-4794-4061E-mail: |
4. | AUSTRALIA (CANBERRA) | 26, Guilfoyle Street, Yarralumla, Act 2600 P.O. Box 241, Civic Square ACT 2608 Canberra, Australia CODE 612- |
Tel: 61-2-6286 1322,61-2-62861044, 62827411,62820357,62820693 Fax: 62828471 E-mail: |
5. | ANGOLA (LUANDA) | Embassy of Nigeria Rua Presidente Boumedienne, 120 C.P. 479, Luanda, Angola |
Tel: 244-2-340084,244-2-340089,244-2-340088 Fax: 244-2-340089 |
6. | BELGIUM (BRUSSELS) | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue de Tervuren 288, 1150 Brussels, Belgium |
Tel: 32-2-762 52 00,32-2-7629831, 32-2-7629832,32-2-7623910 |
7. | BANGLADESH (DHAKA) | Nigeria High Commission c/o Hotel Lake Castle (Temporary address) and Telephone & Fax nos. Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Tel: 880-2-8812812, 880-2~8814137Fax: 880-2-9884677 |
8. | BENIN REPUBLIC (COTONOU) | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue de France, Marina, Cotonou B.P. 2019, Cotonou Republic of Benin |
Tel: 229-30 11 42,229-30 18 70Fax: 229-30 11 13 |
9. | BOTSWANA (GABORONE) | Nigeria High Commission Plot 1086/92 Queen’s Road, The Mali Gaborone G.O. Box 274, Gaborone, Botswana. |
Tel: 267-313561 Fax: 267-351965,267-313738 Telex: 2415 BD |
10. | BRAZIL (BRASILIA) | Embassy of Nigeria Sen. Av. Das Nascoeslote 5 Caixa Postal 03710, Brasilia, Brazil |
Tel: 55-61-226-1717,55-61-226-1870 Fax: 55-61-322-1823,55-61-223-5839, 55-61-224-9830; .br |
11. | BURKINA FASO (QUAGADOUGOU) | Embassy of Nigeria B.P. 132, Avenue d’Oubritenga Rue de I’Hopital Quagadougou, Burkina Faso |
Tel: 226-30 66 67 Fax: 226- 31 52 02 Telex: (0978) 5236 BF E-mail: |
12. | CAMEROUN (DOUALA) | Nigeria Consulate Boulevard de la Liberte, Akwa Douala, B.P. 1553, Douala, Republic of Cameroun |
Tel: 237-43-21-68,237-43-21-61 3432168 Fax: 237-42-07-66,3420766 Telex: (0970) 55556 |
13. | CAMEROUN (YAOUNDE) | Nigeria High Commission B.P. 448, Yaounde, Republic of Cameroun |
Tel: 237-22-34-55, 237-23-45-23: 22234551 Fax: 237 2235551 Telex: (0970) 8267 E-mail: |
14. | CAMEROUN (BUEA) | Consulate-General of Nigeria Bokwango P.M.B. 30, Buea South West Province, Republic of Cameroun |
Tel: (237) 332 2528 (237) 332 2801 |
15. | CANADA (OTTAWA) | Nigeria High Commission 295 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa Ontario, Canada K2P lR9 |
Tel: 1 (613) 236-0521, 1 (613) 236-0522, 1 (613) 236-0523 Fax: 1 (613) 236-0529 Telex: 053-3285 NIGERIA OTT E-mail: Website: |
16. | CENTRAL AFRICAN REP. (BANGUI) | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue B. Boganda P.O. Box 1010, Bangui Central African Republic |
Tel: 236-61-07-44 Fax: 236-61-07-44 Fax: 236-61-12-79 E-mail: |
17. | CHAD (NDJAMENA) | Embassy of Nigeria 35 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, B.P. 752, Ndjamena, Republic of Chad |
Tel: 235-52 2498,235-522647 Fax: 235-52 30 92 Telex: (0976) 5242 KD |
18. | CHINA (BEIJING) | Embassy of Nigeria 2 Dong Wu Jie, San Li Tun, Beijing 100600 People’s Republic of China, |
Tel: 86-10-65323631,86-10-65323632, 86-10-65323633 Fax: 86-10-65321650 Telex: (085) 22274 E-mail: |
19. | CHINA (HONG KONG) | Consulate-General of Nigeria Rms. 3309-10, 33/F, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, G.P.O. Box 5670, Hong Kong, China |
Tel: 852-28278813,852-28278860 Fax: 852-28278892,852-28278896 Telex: 73963 IIX NIGER E-mail: |
20. | CONGO (BRAZAVILLE) | Embassy of Nigeria 11, Avenue Lyautey B.P. 790, Brazaville, Republic of Congo |
Tel: 242-811022,242-811031 Fax: 242-811055 |
21. | CONGO (KINSHASA) | Embassy of Nigeria 141 Boulevard du 30 Juin, Kishasa/Gombe, B.P. 1700, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo |
Tel: 243-88-43273 Fax: 243-88-43274 Telex: 21173 E-mail: |
22. | CUBA (HAVANA} | Embassy of Nigeria 5th Avenue, No. 1401 (e 14 y 16) Miramar, Havana. P.O. Box 6232, Havana, Cuba |
Tel: 53-7-242898,53-7-242091,Fax: 53-7-242202 E-mail: |
23. | COTE D’IVOIRE (ABIDJAN) | Embassy of Nigeria Nigeria House, 01 B.P. 1906, Abidjan 01, Cote D’ivoire (Ivory Coast) |
Tel: 225-223082,225-211982, |
24. | EGYPT (CAIRO) | Embassy of Nigeria No. 13 Gabalaya Street, Zamalek, Cairo |
Tel. 7353907, 7356042 Fax: 7557359,202-7357359 Telex: 20238EMBNIG UN E-mail: |
25. | EQUATORIAL GUINEA (MALABO) | Embassy of Nigeria 4 Paseo de Los Cocoteros, Malabo P.O. Box 78, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea |
Tel: 240-9-2386,240-9-3194,240-9-2583 Fax: 240-9-3385 |
26. | ERITREA (ASMARA) | Embassy of Nigeria Ras Dashan Street House No. 10, Zonel, ADM 09, P.O. BOX 1241 Asmara, Eritrea |
Tel: 00291-1-125606 Fax: 00291-1-125578 |
27. | ETHIOPIA (ADDIS ABABA) | Embassy of Nigeria Azage Ayale Street, W9, K21, Addis Ababa, P.O. Box 1019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
Tel: 251-1-55-06-44 Fax: 251-1-55-23-07 E-mail: |
28. | EQUATORIAL GUINEA (BATA) | Consulate-General of Nigeria Zambia Street, P.O. Box 217, Bata, Equatorial Guinea |
Tel: 240-8-2402,240-8-2157, 240-8-2906 Fax: 240-8-2157, 240-8-2906 Telex: (999) 5218 |
29. | FRANCE (PARIS) | Embassy of Nigeria 173 Avenue Victor-Hugo, 75116 Paris |
Tel: 33-1-47044754,47554722 |
30. | GAMBIA (BANJUL) | Nigeria High Commission No. 52 Garba Jahumpa Avenue, Bakau, The Gambia P.O. Box 630, Banjul, The Gambia |
Tel: 220-495803,220-495804 Fax: 220-495803,220-49580 or 494305Telex: (220) 2297 E-mail: |
31. | GABON (LIBREVILLE) | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue Leon Mba B.P. 1191, Libreville, Republic of Gabon, |
Tel: 241-73-22-03, 241-73-03-22 Fax: 241-73-29-14 Telex: (0973) 5605 E-mail: |
32. | GERMANY (BONN) | Embassy of Nigeria Goldbergweg 13, | Tel: 49 (0228) 322071, 49 (0228) 322072 49 (0228) 422073 Fax: 49(0228)328088 Telex: (041) 885522 |
33. | GERMANY (BERLIN) | Embassy of Nigeria (Berlin Consul) Platanenstrasse 98 A, 13156 Berlin, Germany |
Tel: 49-30-4772300,49-30-4772301 Fax: 49-30-4772555 Telex: 041-307990 Fax: 21230212 E-mail: |
34. | GREECE (ATHENS) | Embassy of Nigeria Yakinthon 50, Paleo Psychico, 15452 Athens, Greece |
Tel: 30-1 67 18004,30-16718007 Fax: 30-1 67 18008 |
35. | GHANA (ACCRA) | Nigeria High Commission No.5 Josef Broz Tito Avenue, P.O. Box 1548, Accra, Ghana |
Tel: 233-21 776158, 233-21 776159 Fax: 233-21 774395 E-mail: |
36. | GUINEA (CONAKRY) | Embassy of Nigeria Coleah Cornich Sud, B.P. 54, Conankry, Republic of Guinea |
Tel: 224-461 241 Fax: 224-462775 |
37. | GUINEA (BISSAU) | Embassy of Nigeria No.6 Avenida 14 de Novembro, CPO 199, Bissau, Republic of Guinea |
Tel: 245-20 10 18 Fax: 245-20-25 64 |
38. | HUNGARY (BUDAPEST) | Embassy of Nigeria 1022 Budapest, Arvacska u 6, 1464 Budapest, P.O. Box 1499, Hungary |
Tel: 36-1-212-20-21,36-1-212-20-22 E-mail: |
39. | INDIA (NEW DELHI) | Nigeria High Commission 21, Olof Palme Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057, India |
Tel: 91-11-6146645,91-11-61 46221,91-1-6146048 Fax: 91-1-6146617,646641 Telex: 82062 NHC IN E-mail: |
40. | IRAQ (BAGHDAD) | Embassy of Nigeria Kings and President Street, Area 601, Lane 11, House 43, AL-mansour, P.O. Box 5933, Baghdad, Iraq |
Tel: 964-1-5419915,964-1-5423133,964-1-5431517 Fax: 964-1-5434513 |
41. | IRAN (TEHRAN) | Embassy of Nigeria 155 Shahid Fahazi Street (formerly Fereshteh), Vali Asri, Tehran P.O. Box 11365 -7148, Tehran, Iran |
Tel: 98-21-2044608,98-21-2041617: 8774935 8774936,98-21-2040073 Fax: 8774921, |
42. | IRELAND (DUBLIN) | Embassy of Nigeria 56 Leeson Park, Dublin 6, Ireland |
Tel: 353-1-6604366,353-1-6604051,353-1-6604458, Fax: 353-1-6604092 |
43. | ISRAEL (TEL-AVIV) | Embassy of Nigeria 34 Gordon Street, P.O. Box 339, Tel-Aviv 61030, Israel |
Tel: 972-3-5222144,972-3-5222145 Fax: 972-3-5237886 E-mail: |
ITALY (ROME) | Em bassy of Nigeria Via Orazio 14/18 C.P.6157, 00193 Rome, Italy |
Tel: 0039-06-6896672,0039-06-6896243, 0039-06-6896672,0039-06-6896243 Fax: 0039-06-6832528 Telex: 610666 E-mail: |
45. | JAMAICA (KINGSTON) | Nigeria High Commission 5 Waterloo Road, P.O. Box 94, Kingston 10, Jamaica |
Tel: 876-926-0400,876-926-6408, 876-968-3732,876-968-7560 Fax: 876-968-7371 |
46. | JAPAN (TOKYO) | Embassy of Nigeria 5•11-17 Shimo-Meguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo, Japan, |
Tel: 813-5721-5391, 813-5721-5392, 813-5721-5393 Fax: 813-5721-5342,813-5721-5397,813-5721-5634 E-mail: |
47. | KENYA (NAIROBI) | Nigeria High Commission Lenana Road P.O. Box 30516, Nairobi Kenya |
Tel: 254-2-564116, 254-2-570226, 254-2-576896 Fax: 254-2-575871 (25420-575871) Telex: 22194,582440 E-mail: |
48. | NORTH KOREA (PYONGYANG) | Embassy of Nigeria Daedonggang District, Mansudung P.O. Box 535, Pyongyang Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) |
Tel: 850-2-3817558,850-2-3817168 Fax: 850-243817613, 850-2-3817293 |
49. | (SOUTH) KOREA (SEOUL) | Embassy of Nigeria 754-5, Hannam-dong, Y ongsan, Seoul Korea 140-210 (Republic of Korea) C.P.O. Box 3754 |
Tel: 82-2 .• 797-2370,82-2-797-3280 Fax: 82-2-796-2848 E-mail: |
50. | KUWAIT (KUWAIT) | Embassy of Nigeria Block 1, Street 14, House No. 25 P.O. Box 6432 (Hawally), 32039 Kuwait |
Tel: 965-5320794,965-5320795 Fax: 965-5320834 |
51. | LEBANON (BEIRUT) | Embassy of Nigeria Beirut, Lebanon |
Tel: 961-1-857610 Fax: 96t-t-857610 |
52. | LIBERIA (MONROVIA | Embassy of Nigeria Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor, Monrovia P.O. Box 366, 1000 Monrovia 10, Liberia |
Tel: 231-227345 Fax: 231-226135 |
53. | LIBYA (TRIPOLI) | Embassy of Nigeria Shara Narjis, Hai AI-Zuhour, Tripopli P.O. Box 4427, Tripoli, Libya |
Tel: 218-21-4443036,218-21-4443037 Fax: 218 .• 21-4443035 |
54. | MALAYSIA (KUALA LUMPUR) | High Commission of Nigeria 85, Jalan Ampang Hilir, 55000 Kuala Lumpur P.O. Box 12879 50792 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Tel:603-4517843,603-4518512 Fax: 603-4524302 |
55. | MALI (BAMAKO) | Embassy of Nigeria Rue 34, Badalabougou SEMA-Est, Bamako B.P. 57, Bamako, Mali |
Tel: 223-22-57-71,223-23-39-73 Fax: 223-22-52-84,223-23-39-74 |
56. | MAURITANIA (NOUAKCHOTT) | Embassy of Nigeria E-Nord No. 191, Nouakchott B.P. 367, Nouakchott, Mauritania |
Tel: 222-252304,222-252314 Fax: 222-252346 Telex: (0974) 5869 |
57. | MEXICO (MEXICO CITY) | Embassy of Nigeria Parque Via Reforma No. 2035 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico D.F. C.P.11000 |
Tel: 52-55960430,52-55969430, 52-52110112, Fax:52-52516091,52-5144473,55962004 55-55-52450105 |
58. | MOROCCO (RABAT) | Embassy of Nigeria 70 Avenue Omar Ibn EI Khattab Agdal Rabat, Morocco B.P.347, Rabat, Morocco |
Tel: 212-7-671856,212-7-673856Fax: 212-7-672739 |
59. | MOZAMBIQUE (MAPUTO) | High Commission of Nigeria Avenida Kenneth Kaunda, 821 Maputo P.O. Box 4693, Maputo, Mozambique |
Tel: 258-1-490105,258-1-492457 Fax: 258 .• 1-490991 E-mail: |
NAMIBIA (WINDHOEK) | Nigeria High Commission No.4 Omuramba Road, Eros Windhoek, Namibia P.O. Box 23547 |
Tel: 264-061-232103,264-061-232104 Fax: 264-061-221639,264-061-232105 Telex: 667 WHK E-mail: |
61. | NETHERLANDS (THE HAGUE) | Embassy of Nigeria Wagenaarweg 5 2597 LL, The Hague, Netherlands |
Tel: 31-70-3501703 Fax: 31-70-3551110 E-Mail: |
62. | PAKISTAN (KARACHI) | Consulate General of Nigeria P.O. Box 12433, Karachi, Pakistan |
Tel: 92-21-5842491,92-21-5842492,92-21-5841946 Fax: 92-21-5842493 |
PAKISTAN (ISLAMABAD) | Nigeria High Commission Plot 132-135, Ispahani Road Sector G-5, Diplomatic Enclave P.O. Box 1075, Islamabad, Pakistan |
Tel: 92-51-823542,92-51-823547, 92-51-823603,92-51-824104 Fax: 92-51-824104E-mail: |
64. | PHILIPPINES (MANILA) | Embassy of Nigeria 2211 Paraiso Street, Dasmarinas Village, Makati, Metro Manila P.O. Box 3174, Makati Central Post Office, 1271 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines |
Tel: 632-843-9866,632-843-9868,632-843-9870, 632-8439873,632-887-7701, 632-887-7702 |
65. | POLAND (WARSAW) | Embassy of Nigeria VI. Chocimska 18, 00-791 Warsaw, Poland. |
Tel: 48-22-8486944, 48-22-8486712 Fax: 48-22-8485379 Telex: 8184675 E-mail: |
66. | PORTUGAL (LISBON) | Embassy of Nigeria Avenida de Vasco da Gama, No.3, Rostelo, Lisbon -1400, Portugal |
Tel: 351-21-3016189,351-21-3016191 Fax: 351-21-3018152 Telex: 040-18418, NIGERIA P. E-mail: |
67. | ROMANIA (BUCHAREST) | Embassy of Nigeria Strada Orlando No.9 P.O. Box 1-305 Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania |
T: 40-1-650.40.50,40-1-312.79.37 FAX: 40-1-312.06.22,40-1-312.79.37 Telex: 10478 Email: |
68. | SAUDI ARABIA (JEDDAH) | Consulate-General of Nigeria #9 AI-Oroubah Street, Mushrefah District District P.O. Box 655, Jeddah 21421, Saudi Arabia |
Tel: 966-2-6716865,966-2-6702886,966-2-6721561 Fax:966-2-6730073 Tel/Fax: 966-2-6702886 E-mail: |
69. | SAUDI ARABIA (RIYADH) | Embassy of Nigeria Abubakar AI-Razi Square, Abdullah Bin Khuzafah AI-Sahami Road, Diplomatic Quarters 94386, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia |
Tel: 9661-4823024,9661-4823982, 9661-4801827 Fax: 9661-4824134,9661-4801828 Telex: 406177 EMBANG SJ E-mail: |
70. | SAO TOME & PRINCIPE | Embassy of Nigeria Bairro de fevcreiro Avenida das Nacoes Unidas C.P. 1000 Sao Tome & Principe |
Tel: 239-12.25404,52405 Fax: 239-12-25406 office: 239-12-25404,25407 |
71. | SENEGAL (DAKAR) | Embassy of Nigeria Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar B.P. 3129, Dakar, Senegal |
Tel: 221-824 43 97,221-8246922 Fax: 221-8258136 E-mail: |
72. | SIERRA LEONE (FREETOWN) | Nigeria High Commission Nigeria House 37 Siaka Stephens Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone |
Tel: 232-22-224224, 232-22-224229 Fax: 232-22-224219 |
73. | SINGAPORE (SINGAPORE) | Nigeria High Commission Shaw House 16th Floor, #16-09/10 350 Orchard Road, Singapore 238868 |
Tel: 65-7321743,65-7321578,65-7321579 |
74. | SOMALIA (MOGADISHU) | Embassy of Nigeria (temporarily closed) Kilometre 5, P.O. Box 980 Mogadishu, Somalia |
75. | SOUTH AFRICA (JOHANNESBURG) | Consulate -General of Nigeria 6 Bolton & Newport Roads Parkwood 2193, Johannesburg P.O. Box 1014, Saxonworld 2132, Johannesburg, South Africa |
Tel: 27-11-442-3620, Fax: 27-11-442-3841,27-11-447-4625 Telex: 431410 E-mail: |
76. | SOUTH AFRICA (PRETORIA) | Nigeria High Commission No. 971 Schoeman Street, Hatfield 0083, Pretoria P.O. Box 27332, Sunnyside 0132, Pretoria, South Africa |
Tel: 27-12-342 080527-12-342 0905, 27-12-3420808 Fax: 27-12 3420718 E-maiI: |
77. | SPAIN (MADRID) | Embassy of Nigeria 23,Sagre Street, P.O. Box 14.287 28002, Madrid, Spain |
Tel: 34-91-5630911, 34-91-5630971, 34-91-563 1031, 34-91-5633144 Fax: 34-91~563 6320, 34-91-5630258 Telex: 44395 ENIG E E-mail: |
78. | SUDAN (KHARTOUM) | Embassy of Nigeria No. 17 Sharia M’C Nimier, P.O. Box 1538, Khartoum, Sudan |
Tel: 2-49-11 779120,2-49-11-779 121,2-491 779122 Fax: 2-49-1 771491 |
79. | SWEDEN (STOCKHOLM) | Embassy of Nigeria Tyrgatan 8, 11427 Stockholm Box 629 101 32 Stockholm, Sweden |
Tel: 46-8-246390,46-8-246392, Fax: 46-8-24 63 98 E-mail: |
80. | SWITZERLAND ( BERNE) | Embassy of Nigeria 45, Zieglerstrasse, 3007 Berne P.O. Box 574, Berne, Switzerland |
Tel: 41-31-382 0726, 41-31-382 0727, 41-31-382 0726, 41-31-382 0729 Fax: 41-31-3821602,31 .. 3842626 E-mail: |
81. | SWITZERLAND (GENEVA) | Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the UN 1 Rue Richard-Wagner 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland |
Tel: 41-22730. 14.14 Fax: 412869 NGRA CD E-mail: |
82. | TANZANIA(DAR-ES-SALAAM) | Nigeria High Commission 83 Haile Selassie Road P.O. Box 9214, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania |
Tel: 255-51 666000, 255-51 667620, 255-51666834 Fax: 255-51 668947 E-mail: |
83. | UGANDA (KAMPALA) | Plot 33, Nakasero Road, P.O. Box 4338, Kampala, Uganda |
Tel: 256-41-233691,256-41-233692 Fax: 256-41-233691,256-41-233692,E-mail: |
84. | UKRAINE (KIEV) | Embassy of Nigeria Kiev, Ukraine |
Tel: 380-44 294 8856 Fax: 380-44 2948856 |
85. | UNITED KINGDOM (LONDON) | Nigeria High Commission 9, Northumberland Avenue London WC2N 5 BX P.O. Box: 29041, London WC2N 5QJ |
Tel: 44-02078391244, 44-02078398746 Fax: 44-02078398746 |
86. | UNITED KINGDOM | Consular Affairs Annex 56/57 Fleet Street, London EC47 IBT |
Tel: 44-02073533776,44-02073532401 Fax: 44-02073532401 |
87. | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | ATLANTA Consulate-General of Nigeria 4488 North Shallowford Road, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA. 30338, U.S.A . |
Tel: 01-770-394-6261, 01-770-394-6237, 01-770-394-5245 Fax: 01-770-394-4671 E-mail: |
88. | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (NEW YORK) | Consulate-General of Nigeria, 828 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017, United States of America, |
Tel: 1-212-808-0301 Fax: 6871476/687P303 |
89. | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (NEW YORK) | Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the New Nations 828 Second Avenue, N.Y.,10017 |
Tel: 1-212-953-9130, (212) 697-7189 Fax: 1-212-953-1970, (212) 697-7189 |
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (WASHINGTON) | Embassy of Nigeria 1333 16tb Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 – U.S.A. |
Tel: 01-202-986-8400,01-202-822-1500, Fax: 01-202-755-1385,01-202-986-8449, Phones/Fax: 01-202-462-7124,01-202.986-4554 |
91. | VENEZUELA (CARACAS) | Embassy of Nigeria Quinta Leticia, Calle Chivacoa, Cruce con Calle Taria, Urbanizacion San Roman, Caracas 1060-A Aptd. 62063 Chactlo, Caracas 1060-A, Venezuela |
Tel: 58-2993-15-20,58-2-993-50-91 Fax: 58-2-993-76-48, 58-2 993-76-58 E-mail: embnig@contv.nei |
92. | YUGOSLAVIA (BELGRADE) | Embassy of Nigeria P.O. Box 1021, Belgrade, Yugoslavia |
Tel: 38-11-413-329,38-11-401-315, 38-11-413-411,38-11-419-814 Fax: 38-11-401-305 |
93. | ZAMBIA (LUSAKA) | Nigeria High Commission 5203 Haile Selessie Avenue, Diplomatic Triangle, Longacres, Lusaka. P.O. Box 32598, Lusaka, Zambia |
Tel: 260-1-253177,260-1-253265 Fax: 260-1-252535 E-mail: |
94. | ZIMBABWE (HARARE) | Nigeria High Commission 36, Samora Machel Avenue P.O. Box 4742, Harare, Zimbabwe. |
Tel: 263-4-790/65,263-4-790766, 263-4-790767,263-4-790768 Fax: 263-4-725004,263-4-790763 |