Ambassador Raff Bukun-Olu Onemola

Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative

Permanent Mission of Nigeria to the United Nations

New York, NY

13th October, 2010

 As Delivered

Nigeria welcomes the thorough briefing provided by the Secretary-General and the presentation by Ambassador Wittig on behalf of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC). The need for increased cooperation with the Peacebuilding Commission has consistently been stressed by the Council. This debate is an opportunity to deepen our cooperation with the PBC in order to capitalize on its capacity to marshal the actors and resources necessary to realizing the objectives of peace articulated here in

the Security Council.

 The reports before us today mark a critical turning point in the United Nations strategy for peace and security. The in-depth analysis contained in the report on peacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict (S/2010/386) dovetails with the proposals in the report on women’s participation in peacebuilding (S/2010/466). Nigeria welcomes the renewed emphasis on the nexus between peacekeeping, peacebuilding, security and development, and we understand the challenges faced by women in relation to conflict, as well as the invaluable contribution they can make to the establishment of peace.

 The Secretary-General’s report sets out a detailed model for cementing peace in fragile States in a manner that reaffirms the key role that women can play in re-establishing the fabric of recovering societies. His proposals for a more gender-responsive approach to peacebuilding, encompassing access to justice and participation in post-conflict planning and governance, duly prioritize the needs and capabilities of women in the peacebuilding context.

 It is encouraging to note that, as set out in document S/2010/386, the Secretary-General’s perspective on peacebuilding encompasses the breadth and depth of its component parts. Nigeria agrees that peacebuilding efforts must address peace and security, human rights, development and the humanitarian pillars of the United Nations. It will add a broader   dimension to that list of priorities, within which respect for the rule of law; combating the illicit arms trade, drug trafficking and transnational organized crime; and the restoration of core Government functions must also be supported.

 The steady embedding of system-wide coherence and positive steps towards reliable funding are sure to benefit the peacebuilding work of the United Nations and its partners. The work that has gone into harnessing the right caliber of human capital within the United Nations system is commendable, and we are encouraged by the new measures to strengthen leadership and accountability. Yet there are so many interconnected parts to this process that we must remember that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Therefore, it is important to enhance our capabilities at every point of need in the system.

 Resource allocation is a difficult issue at the best of times, requiring careful and thoughtful priority setting. Document S/2010/386 observes that, in the case of a number of United Nations missions and peacebuilding offices, the lack of pre-mandate funding slows progress and is detrimental to the implementation of critical transitional mandates. In a number of countries, including Somalia, we have witnessed the social and political costs of not matching the expressed will of the international community with adequate resources. While recognizing that this issue is not within the specific purview of the Security Council, we look forward to the proposals to be submitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on this issue.

 The question of funding and resourcing in general is also critical from the perspective of women in peacebuilding. In order to have a real impact on the lives of women and the post-conflict societies they live in, United Nations agencies should be adequately resourced. In that way, we might provide women and girls with effective resources and protections as victims of violent conflict. Our work can also empower and engage women as protagonists of peace within the United Nations system and as political and civil society participants.

 There is clearly a need to enhance the mobilization of resources for initiatives to mainstream women in peacebuilding activities in order to address their peacebuilding needs, advance gender equality and empower them in peacebuilding contexts. Nigeria pledges its support for the newly created United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. In this regard, we look forward to its full engagement in promoting the role of women in peacebuilding and in advocating for the active participation of women at all levels of decision making and post-conflict planning.

 Nigeria takes comfort in the recognition that national ownership of peacebuilding processes is vital, and welcomes the reports’ recognition of the United Nations as facilitator in an explicitly supporting role. In situations of crisis, most States in conflict lack national capacities. Efforts should therefore be made to ensure that, as we strengthen national ownership, the same is done for national capacity development. Against this background of support, national Governments should be given predictable assistance by the international community.

 Given the complexity of the threats to peace we now face, there is an even greater imperative for the coordination of responses. A clear division of labor and accountability must be agreed on, buttressed by a common strategic framework and aligned with the objectives of each peacebuilding exercise. The Secretary-General’s proposal for focal points for each thematic area of peacebuilding is a solid starting point in this regard.

 In addition, I wish to emphasize the critical need for collaboration and cooperation with regional and sub regional organizations within the geographical zones of the countries on the PBC agenda. The contributions of the Economic Community of West African States and the African Union in peacebuilding in their various regions are legion.

 We welcome the seven action points identified the report of the Secretary-General on the participation of women in peacebuilding (S/2010.466). They capture the core gaps in our efforts to promote the full and equal participation of women in post-conflict peacebuilding, as envisaged in resolutions 1325 (2000) and 1889 (2009). Nigeria commends the Secretary General for homing in on the required actions in such considered detail. We feel strongly that, if correctly implemented, this action plan will go a long way towards actualizing the aims of resolution 1889 (2009).

 The two reports before us today give the Security Council an opportunity to lead the way in inclusive peacebuilding measures that address the needs of all segments of society, thereby laying the foundation for enduring peace. We welcome the adoption of the presidential statement and express the hope that, together, we can enhance the United Nations capacity to make peace a prominent feature in the lives of all those we serve.